My Interesting Interest (Just kidding. They’re not that interesting.)

I overheard Mrs. McBrayer telling a student to blog about their interest so here it goes:

1-I find it interesting that you’re reading this probably because I said it’s not interesting. How ironic.

2-The first thing that pops in my mind is Chick-Fil-A. I could live off of that place.

3-Trevor. My four year old brother. UGH I love him so much!!!!!

4-M&M’s. This may be a simple candy, but it’s my favorite.

5-A good book. I love love reading, IF the book is intriguing. Bad books make me want to barf.

6-Dancing. I dance at SDC and have been for 6 years. I love it.

7-Lunch. I love lunch (best part of the day) and it’s time for that right now, so see ya!